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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. That is :foreveralone: :foreveralone: :foreveralone: Also, be my guest if that's a genuine offer :dumb:
  2. It actually is dont lie
  3. r/midlyinteresting
  4. I made a topic showing the first part a few months ago, you may be remembering that :)
  5. Well spotted, thanks.
  6. Already done buddy!
  7. I'll have a go at portalling later and see where that gets me, as far as I'm aware its not too poor at the moment. Always room for improvement!
  8. On I'm just procrastinating compiling the refleftions because it takes so damn long!Don't worry I'll do it before I release lol Thanks for all the kind words people! The thing I'm probably most proud of in this map is that I've (successfully?) made the map not about being able to strafe far or bounce. This map is designed to be done without a single bounce or strafe, it's all about other forms of difficulty! Something different nowadays.
  9. Who says they haven't been implemented already?;)As for anyone that volunteers for testing I'll contact some people in the next few days to see if we can organize something!
  10. Dear lord what has come of this community. How in any way is that 'secret' a secret at all? There's a massive bloomin' doorway labelling it.
  11. Firstly what is up with your formatting? Dear god. Secondly, maybe something along the lines of this: function() { for(;;) { if( self UseButtonpressed() ) { self thread anotherfunction(); break; } else if( self MeleeButtonPressed() ) continue; } }
  12. Oh boy I can't wait to put time and effort into solving the amazing unique secret, I do love good puzzles. Oh wait...
  13. Oh wow I would never have even suspected that was the case. Oh wait, everyone did
  14. Ahem...
  15. Yep, I do have the time to do it now, but I know I'd get far too engrossed in it and end up not revising at all :dumb:
  16. So surgeons should only get paid if they successfully peform an operation? If the operation fails, they lose and don't get paid?They're getting paid a lot because there's not many people who can do what they do. They are a select few people who have the skill to do it, much like other jobs. I'm sure the majority don't play to win because of the money, they play to win because that's what they want to do and they enjoy it. Personally I'm not a fan of football, however I strongly disagree with your logic there.
  17. Lots of helpful things here too.
  18. It may be my time to shine, I'll look into it Maybe after exams.
  19. No. You can learn to make it yourself. Also try and be a bit more creative... Giving XP for RTD is possibly the worst thing to do in my opinion.
  20. w w why request when you can do it yourself?
  21. 1. Random Selection (There are other ways, however this is the easiest for beginners) // Random randomInt function randomNumber = randIntom(10); // Random number from 0-10 // Alternatively you can use randomIntRange(5,10); to get it between two numbers if(randomNumber == 0) // Do script here if(randomNumber == 1) // Do script here // Etc 3. Player Angles origin = getEnt("yourOrigin","targetname"); self setPlayerAngles(origin.angles);
  22. Not tested, probably errors. Should work in theory.