
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. Give them all the same targetname, define them in an array, boom easy. trap() { brush = GetEntArray("brushname","targetname"); for( index = 0 ; index < brush.size ; index++ ) { // Put a while loop here if you want it to loop brush[index] RotateYaw(360,5); } }
  2. Lol when the tl;dr is almost the same length
  3. In the csv set it to 'looping' and in the gsc just to playLoopedSound( "blah" ); or ambientPlay( "blah" ); inb4 someone corrects me cause im wrong
  4. Okay make sure none of your reflection probes are inside of a brush. They must not be touching anything (might be the problem)
  5. Save all the map files and reinstall is my suggestion
  6. do they have waypoints?
  7. Great idea, would be nice to play with everyone one last time
  8. :no:
  9. In this day and age unless you're a proper genius there's not much that hasn't been made already...
  10. Butbutbutbut nooooo cloudy :'( I know we've had our ups and downs from when I met you on Blur over a year and a half ago, its been quite the journey for both of us! I feel like I've watched you mature a lot since we first met; all in all, you're a nice guy and its truly sad to see you leave. I wish you the best of luck with whichever road you go down in life, good bye.
  11. When only one person enters... > open radiant > create one brush as the floor > submit map > win $25
  12. Media?...
  13. It's the integrated gpu that's holding him back, no point upgrading anything in my opinion. Just wait until he can buy a new pc
  14. o.o I might get some nice clothes (I thought you're not meant to know what you get until you open the presents?)
  15. I'm sure they'd rather us just not say and then end up with nothing at the end of the month after expecting maps from us, yeah that sure would be better :dumb:
  16. Aaaand there goes another blurian, we're dropping like flies
  17. So did you need to make a custom anim for the throw or is it a stock one with a model change?
  18. Oh wow, thats impressive.
  19. You explained it to me a while back, struggling to recall exactly what you did. Just changed the name of a menu or something