
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Gabe


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. QueNNch


      I guess we have won Cat

      I hate it so much when websites show the flag of English language as USA :okay:

    3. Cat

      Cat See the "british" part? That's you nubs. D:< To me, revise means the 1st one, which makes no sense in test preparation. This one makes total sense to me. You devote time before hand to acquire knowledge of a subject before you take the test. :S AND WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO ARGUE WITH ME QUENNCH D:<

    4. Sentrex


      Brit fegs ftw

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  2. Hello! Welcome to this fantastic community! :sir:
  3. ew the wall texture on the last 2 pictures and the floor on the second pic is disguisting.
  4. Welcome, to the forums! :awesome:
  5. Congrats to all that got promoted!
  6. it is alright, but it is a little slow :p 2.4 ghz <-- should be at least 3 ghz imo :P
  7. maybe change the processor to a little stronger and 4 gb of ram at least but other than that it is good :D
  8. you sir, got ripped off :dumb: dat stereo sound on $199 headset and the mic quality is not so good. :dumb:
  9. Hello, Welcome to the forums! :D Goodbye. :dave:
  10. Steam summer sale is the best sale. Watch dogs is coming out soon, I can't wait for that game, apparently it will be awesome! :yay:
  11. Farty bear is rpetty cool, I just wished braxi would keep working on it :/
  12. i got 17 seconds :(
  13. That looks awesome! Make one for me please :sir:
  14. Good Luck!
  15. I like that headset, only problem is, they feel really cheap. But they sound good, both microphone input and sound output.
  16. Well, Hello there! :sir:
  17. QueNNch as u aren't an admin you wouldn't know, but i am inactive for a reason atm... OT: Good luck dude! You are on all the time. You have a positive attitude, and most of all a mature person.
  18. Hey guys, I decided, just out of interest i thought it would be cool to make a small application for raid. This is some what useful. Tell me any bugs and i will work on fixing them ASAP! Click on the picture to download the application: EDIT: Update download link Here.
  19. the application allows you to open cod 4 now :D u can join any server that it shows on the app now :D
  20. Kinda did a BIG update :ph34r:
  21. BTW Guys, this was my first ever application (putting together of what i learnt in c# in 1 day) so I am working on my skills... :D
  22. That would be great!
  23. Please specify.. I understand it is not the best design... but tell me the exact things that could be improved..
  24. Welcome mate! Enjoy your stay!
  25. Erm, can someone make an audio book of that, cant be assed to read :dave: