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Everything posted by Cloudy

  1. Hai dere Gaybe. Welcome back :> nice to see you around again, hopefully you'll be put back into that server admin role again :D, Hit me up on xfire if you need someone to play with <3
  2. Locked.
  3. Well done Bear & Dark. Congratulations. Especially NNJ as well, because without him, raid probably would have a bunch more problems right now. Thanks for your help NNJ, we all appreciate it! Congratulations on Server Manager.
  4. Hi

    Hi. Welcome to the forums. Please have fun on the Raid servers!
  5. I would play if someone could teach me ;_;
  6. Who thinks Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has real potential this year? :) I do!

    1. Cloudy


      Apparently this year people think it's going to be a terrible port, because they've made the game ground up specifically for the next gen consoles, and then they're putting really hard work into porting it to the xbox 360 and PS3, but i think they'll fuck things up the PC :/

    2. Tinman


      We learnt with Ghosts, which we thought might be a good game,(pff) don't try predict what'll happen with AW, just let it happen and then decide if its shit :D

    3. Darmuh



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  7. Bosnian, what in the hell are you talking about? HDD Space means nothing, sure it will determine how fast the game loads, but if you have a 50 GB HDD, then you'd be fine if you only wanted to play Battlefield 4 on it. As for ram, some games are taking advantage of more memory ram, like Planetside 2, yet most games are heavily dependent on the CPU + GPU. Basically, if you look at the recommended Spec's, and have those/ above, you're fine. that's if you have no wear/damage to any of your PC parts.
  8. Most of these maps are already in the server, just not in the rotation, I remember Lossy saying about they should just put the un-played maps in the rotation (which basically covers the whole list) and take the overplayed ones out.
  9. Just glad to here this is back! I felt lonely, I kept refreshing this page for hours on end, because I needed to read some threads! :D Good job to @NNJ and everyone getting things back up.
  10. Locked due to it being answered... And we don't want to start any arguments.
  11. It's not that I think there's an age limit to playing games, but I'm just used to people being in their teens/ very low twenty's playing. Best of luck to you.
  12. 45 years old? okay... not saying I don't believe you but. that's quite old to be playing games, all day (I got that accusation from Purity saying he sees him in the fun server alot) sorry if i'm wrong. Good luck anyways.
  13. If only Xenon could teach us his ways... HINT. HINT. :angryarnold:
  14. I want a runescape buddy.

    1. Synd


      Cloudy: can u actually play runescape with me? o.0

      4x3 Synd: Real runescape? or a private server?

      Cloudy: Oldschool

      Cloudy: not a private server

      Cloudy: but

      4x3 Synd: oh


      Cloudy: look

      4x3 Synd: ik about oldschool

      4x3 Synd: i dont have membership lol

      Cloudy: BUY IT.

      Cloudy: only £4.95 a month :D

      <This user is now playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Multiplayer)>

      Cloudy: u dere?


    2. Synd


      god damnittttttttttttttt

    3. Cloudy


      XD, i'm so desperate.

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  15. Ehem. y is lyfe crap

    1. ~Budzy~


      life is too short for it to be crap

    2. Purity


      lyf is good. But u have to make it good :3

    3. Triton


      lyf is short, make the most of it

  16. The magic word is ''newb''
  17. The Ebola virus scares me :/

    1. Tinman


      If you wish to continue this argument of which you seem so confident in, I suggest you make a thread in General Discussions wherein I'd be more than obliged to help you out. :D

    2. SEABASS


      Tinman, i am getiing my info from the CDC website.. it is only a tiny bit in South Africa, like 1-10 cases.. but it still has the virus there.... so unless you want to argue with me about the Center for Disease Control, just face it that it is happening

    3. Tinman


      It has been finalized that the "cases" is SA was all but a rumour. Please make sure of your facts before making them public :D

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  18. Being on the forums 24/7 and actually posting and replying to threads are two different things... Make sure to keep active in the servers and forums, and post useful topics etc. Overall I've never really spoken to you much, but I have seen you in the deathrun server, and you're pretty good and active! Still not as good at cledi though :D
  19. Hmmm, much nub, such wow... Very full of himself o.0 Anyway, on a serious note, he's a cool dude, and would have everyone's permission to have the very nub and much prestige admin status! Good luck!
  20. Okay, so me and my dad agreed, that I should get a new PC, due to mine being 3 years old, and quite out dated. and here's what i've come up with! Around a £500 budget. Post your thoughts!
  21. No point in dropping the Optical drive, due to it only being £11. But i've dropped the OS, and will probably crack it like you said.
  22. Just_indian just provided the IP for you... once again, the IP is: