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Everything posted by Sentrex

  1. May seem a bit random, but try plugging in a mic and then starting it
  2. Hey guys, I'm going to be away at Reading Festival until Monday next week, I doubt I'll even be able to visit the forums D: For those of you that don't know about the festival here are some pictures of it! So yeah, should be fun :dumb:
  3. i5 3570k gtx 660 if you want any others ask, cba to actually check
  4. I got 1k fps on cod4 but on bf4 it was unplayable
  5. :facepalm:
  6. I understand siik, I think he means why bother using arrays for a brushmodel when you can just select them all and give them all the same targetname. May be wrong here but that's what I've gathered from reading this topic. There is no need for an array or loop when using it on a brushmodel if you are doing a simple move/delete/hide/notsolid etc. However if you want many different brushmodels to rotate around their own axis then you can use an array. As if you don't the brushes will all rotate around one axis in the middle. For example if you want to play an effect in several places you can place many origins down in different places and use and array to get them all to play an effect. Or using getEntArray( level.player ); to see how many players there are. I really hope this has explained it because I typed this out on my phone and it took ages (._. )
  7. Waaheyy I'm back, and it was so good :o Will try and find pictures/videos of the best bits later :dave:
  8. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty 4\raw\sound\explosions
  9. Oh really?
  10. learn how to use decals, there's some tutorials around the internet. Sorry for double post, on my phone and cba to edit
  11. THIS:dumb:
  12. That's literally what we told you to do just with a different effect....
  13. This is off my memory but I believe there's one called 'brick_chunk' that should do nicely
  14. Take a brick throwing effect and change it with wood
  15. I believe his avatar ( is him and his son (MON$TER).
  16. If it's not blatant then there's no harm in asking people, instead of letting them get away with possible hacks, js. Anyway, good luck.
  17. Oh you do make me laugh :dumb:
  18. None of it worked, I was expecting the number skip, you can say m without touching your lips by putting your finger between them. I agree with Waffles
  19. There should be a Raid's Deathrun Map Of The Year to encourage people to put out more high quality DR maps

    1. jwofles


      there should be one every day :DAVE:DAVE:DAVE:DAVE:

    2. iMtroll


      But Bosnian would win Wofles, he pulls a new map out of his arse every day :<

    3. Pixel
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  20. We've had a lack of Xenon, which means a lack of cool stuff
  21. Should have patented your first bounce map
  22. you need a new name bro EDIT: HOLY SHITBALLS OMG WTF MY LIFE HAS CHANGED
  23. Hmmm

    1. Arnold


      didnt ya see wat happened to the chickens?

    2. Pixel


      That was faked

    3. Punk


      ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

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