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Posts posted by ~Budzy~

  1. I will now tell you how to make yourself look like a right dickhead.


    Step 1. Be at college. 


    Step 2. Wear friends snapback.


    Step 3. Wear other friends girl glasses. 


    Step 4. Take selfie.


    Step 5. 






    Probably my favourite song right now, it's a pony song, but has nothing to do with ponies in the song its self, sadly the artist who made this died and that's how I found out about this song, I would recommend you listen to it if you like chill progressive house 


  3. > year 2018

    - Raid Promod Snipers Only

    - Raid Promod Assault & SMG Only

    - Raid Promod Shotgun Only

    - Raid Deathrun Speedrunners Only

    - Raid Deathrun Digital Only

    - Raid Deathrun Shipment Only

    - Raid Deathrun Epicfail/Pool/Underworld 24/7!


    jk :P


    I laughed more than I should have at this


  4. I know for a fact sick won't be added, they hate the mapper,(it's also my favourite map) sick v2 is terrible, I quite like skypillar and would be sad to see it removed, inferno should be brought back, never heard of something, and illusion is just bullshit 
