
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Purity

  1. Grats to all, esp my little caspa and syndie :wub: 


    Bandito i know will make a good admin, with some help he will be unstoppable :dave:

    Spencer youve got what it takes m8!


    Wish you all the best and good luck in completing your trial stages,


    any questions/help you want you ask me or another admin any time through your mentoring stage.

    xf: jacdude7

    steam: jacdude7


  2. this scrub? when i wrote my app last year or so Grezwall was one of the people supporting me, and supported me through my trial stage always helping me with my reports etc, this funny little fella is definitely a good, funny admin who REALLY deserves his position back,


    from me, YES! listen to me, purity is number 1.


    good luck grezy.


  3. inb4 new group is added 'retired founders' :troll:


    But by Darmuh's response ninja did do a lot for Raid i believe, and he was a nice guy - even if he lost it and had a hissy fit at @@Lossy or the rest of raid. Plus, he still is a founder of Raid, meaning he deserves the title no matter, even @@Darmuh left raid as he lost interest in cod4 but we still see him as a huge part of raid, i believe ninja is the same ALTHOUGH he doesnt still show his care like Darmuh would, e.g. not active on forums / interacts with our community.


    Anyways, this topic isnt about Ninja really, it's about Raid and Lossy covered it :xd:


  4. I would like to cancel my application. Thanks.


    Have you thought it through m8? Are you sure? You will get the chance to re-apply in a month or so if you really do decide to cancel your app, i suggest speaking to someone about your thoughs/reasoning for doing so,


    sure @@Anti will close this and say some final words :)


  5. Is xfire actually over though? My friend noticed a few of the Broadcast messages were a bit odd,


    One stated 'Help' and the other just said 'Lol' - I dont think xfire would do this, and he checked their website and no news of xfire shutting down was on it (i havent checked cba) could this be possible, some pro haxzors?




  6. I remember when I suggested adding the promod server that the map Nuketown should be added, well it wasnt (for whatever reason, idk) but a lot of people have been asking for Nuketown to be added, personally, i think its a very fun map to play on, as it's small and quick to play I think it would add a little bit of cheeky banter to the rotation.


    So saying this, would you guys like Nuketown added (vote applies, mainly, for members who play the server)


    If enough yes votes, perhaps troll could look into it :dave:


  7. the fullbright part tho. it rlly has me down. lately my pc has gotten worst and drops to 20 fps. evryday i try new tactics to boost the fps, but ive tried so much i only have 12/298gb free on my hard disk


    FB really isnt an option for Raid DR, Lossy, troll and Darmuh have said it themselves that fb creates an unfair advantage ingame (can be seen easier) 


  8. Good luck mate, have known crazy for some time, very mature player even though he rages sometimes


    "omg" every time he dies :troll:


    Hes very active and I think, if he learnt the skills, would make a good admin :)


    p.s. has also helped me catch a few hackers, so recommend him in that department!


    Gl @@CrAzY !
